When you are ready to host the next new ‘it’ convention, Soteria ensures that you are getting the most out of your setup/layout, product placement, and biometric analytics camera to guarantee that you host a sell-out event. Soteria’s real-time reports offer traffic control, path tracking and live customer counting. Learn more about how you can drastically improve sales and customer experience right from the palm of your hand.
People Counting
Soteria provides live customer operations analytics, easily accessed from your phone. Firstly, Soteria implements ‘People Counting’ and it is as simple as it sounds. Soteria cameras keep an accurate and up-to-date count of people entering your event. This data can be broken down from people per day to people per hour. As an event coordinator, know exactly when your peak times are and when the best time is to have more staff on board for security, check-outs, and promotions.
Path Tracking
Secondly, Soteria provides accurate ‘Path Tracking’. The path tracking feature will track attendee’s journeys throughout the event, where they spent the most time and how they traveled around the event. Being able to follow the customers' journey means that you can adapt the layout to ensure optimum use of space, ease of navigation and product exposure. Path tracking can also expose upselling opportunities that were previously missed. Once you have updated any layouts, continue using the live ‘Path Tracking’ feature to see if the changes that were made have improved customer experience.
Path tracking can also be used to assess how long customers attended the event. Being privy to this information means planners can make changes that encourage customers to stay at an event longer. For example, if the reason customers are leaving the event much earlier than anticipated is that there isn’t enough room to queue for a certain area, then changes can be made right then and there, instead of when the event is coming to an end.
Customer Operations Analytics
During and after data has been collected, customer operations analytics is easily accessed from the Soteria app. Easy to read and easy to share graphs are translated from quantitative data that has been collected over a short period (for example, one hour) to a much longer period (for example, one month's worth of data).
Event planners can gain a further understanding of customer behavior from other powerful biometric analysis features such as heat mapping, gender and age analysis, facial recognition and more.
Find out more about how Soteria can enhance your business, explore our website.